Avoiding Mistakes When Repairing A Clogged Toilet

A clogged toilet can be a major problem both due to the disruptions that it can cause as well as the potential damages that it can create. When you find yourself with a toilet that is clogged, there are some mistakes that you should avoid committing as you are attempting to repair the clogged toilet.

Avoid Using Too Much Force With The Plunger

Using a plunger to free the clog that has formed in your toilet may be the first step that you take when this problem arises with your system. While a plunger can be an extremely effective tool for removing clogs from the toilet, it is possible to cause damage to the toilet when you are using this device. In particular, this can occur when you use too much force as you are attempting to free the clog. This can crack the toilet, which can lead to more serious problems that may require the entire toilet to be replaced. Ideally, you should use forceful and steady pumps with the plunger. If the clog fails to be dislodged with a few pushes of the plunger, it may indicate that the clog is too severe to be repaired with one of these tools.

Never Use Clog-Removing Solutions

If a plunger is unable to dislodge the clog, you may find yourself tempted to try to use a clog-removing solution. However, this is something that you should always avoid using. The design of the toilet can make it extremely likely that this solution will get trapped in the toilet before it ever comes into contact with the clog. In addition to making this ineffective at removing the clog, it may also increase the risk of individuals being injured if a drain auger needs to be used. This stems from the chances of these chemicals splashing onto the technician using the auger.

Understand That Mechanical Problems Can Increase The Chances Of Clogs Developing

After you have addressed a severely clogged toilet, you may want to consider whether a mechanical issue with the toilet may be making it more likely to develop serious clogs. Often, this can be the result of an issue that may reduce the amount of water that the reservoir releases when the toilet is flushed. As a result, the waste in the toilet may not move through the pipes with enough pressure to prevent accumulations and clogs from gradually forming. If your toilet is regularly starting to develop clogs, you may want to inspect the flushing mechanism to ensure that it is working as intended.

Contact a toilet backup service to learn more.
