Debunking 3 Common Myths About Residential Water Purification Systems

When was the last time you had your home's water supply tested? If it's been a while, or if you can't remember ever having this done, then you might be surprised by the contaminants that are in your water. Having a residential water purification system (such as a reverse osmosis system) installed can be a great way to improve the quality of your home's water supply. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths floating around about residential water purification systems; by understanding the realities behind these myths, you can make a better-informed decision for your own home.

Myth #1: I Don't Need a Water Purifier if I Have a Water Softener

One of the most common misconceptions people have about water purification is that a water softener is the same thing as a water purifier. While it's true that water softeners do remove some contaminants (such as unwanted minerals) from your home's water supply, they do not purify water to the same extent as a purification system. In other words, if your home already has a water softener, you could still benefit from installing a water purification system as well.

Myth #2: My City Water Supply is Already Purified to a High Standard

The water your home receives directly from your municipal water supply may smell and taste fine to you, but the reality is that many city water treatment plants use strong disinfecting chemicals and still end up with a surprising amount of contaminants in their water supplies. If you're not sure what kinds of contaminants may be in your home's water, consider scheduling a water sample test with a local plumber; you might be unpleasantly surprised at what you find.

Myth #3: I'll Lose Space Under My Sink By Installing a Purification System

While it's true that "traditional" reverse osmosis systems are typically installed underneath a kitchen sink and can take up a fair amount of space, the reality is that this is not your only option for installing a water purification system inside your home. Recent innovations in purification technology have made it possible to install these systems in garages, crawlspaces, basements, and other less utilized areas of the home.

If you're looking to maximize the purity of your home's water supply, having a residential water purification installed is a smart investment. Consider requesting a few quotes from local water purification specialists to determine the best option for your needs.
